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What is the explosion-proof level of explosion-proof lamps

Time:2024-01-03 Views:0

The explosion-proof level of explosion-proof lamps is divided based on the type of equipment used, the temperature group of explosive gas mixtures, and the explosion-proof type of explosion-proof electrical equipment. LED explosion-proof lamps have an explosion-proof level, and the explosion-proof form and applicable occasions of the product can be seen from the explosion-proof level. For example, the explosion-proof level of Exd II CT6 means:

1. Ex: Explosion proof sign.

2. D: The explosion-proof form is explosion-proof. There are also intrinsic safety types IA and IB; Enhanced safety type e; Oil filled type o; Sand filled mold q; Pouring and sealing type m; Composite type (such as explosion-proof distribution boxes often use de combination).

3. II: Refers to Class II explosion-proof lamps. This type of explosion-proof lamp is suitable for explosive gas environments other than coal mines. Coal mines are classified as Class I. Class III: Electrical equipment for explosive dust environments other than coal mines. Class IIIA: Flammable flying flocs; Class IIIB: Non conductive dust; Class IIIC: Conductive dust.

4. C: IIC gas. There are also IIA and IIB levels. IIC level is a high level and can be applied to IIA and IIB. IIB level can be applied to IIA level. But low-level ones cannot be applied to high-level ones.

5. T6: The temperature group is T6, and the high surface temperature of the equipment is less than 85 ℃.